XSNews | Android News/Blog Multipurpose Application


XSNews is a full-working template (UI + Source Code) you can use to create a Blog or News application and spread it to the world.


Java/XML language – Native Android Studio project – Edit the template as you wish with the power of Android Studio and Java code.

Android 6.0 and above, Universal – Run your app on all Android devices

DBase API – Host DBase into your own VPS server (AWS Lightsail is strongly recommended)

Post your Articles – Use this HTML online editor (or any other editor you wish) to create your articles, and easily paste your HTML code in the database.

Account screen – Edit your profile, reset your password, contact the Admin and Sign out.

Save for later – You can bookmark your favorite Articles and read them later in the Saved screen.

Email verification – New users will get an email with a link to verify their email address

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy HTML file (GDPR compliant) – You can edit an HTML file included in the code as you wish, in order to offer a clear statement of how the app works to your clients.

Push Notifications – Send Push Notifications with DBase to all registered users

AdMob Interstitial ads – Get some revenue from full-screen advertisement banners

Google Sign in – People can quickly sign with their Google account from the Intro page.

Modern, clean design – The UI has been carefully crafted to offer the best user experience to your clients.

Online Documentation – Read the extensive guide of this template to be able to configure it properly.

PSD icons included in the package – App and buttons icons are stored into a PSD folder, for easy image replacement.

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